With the Christmas season looming, things can start to get a little hectic for many businesses. Office parties get underway, and work gets added to the “to do after Christmas pile”. However, making sure your customers are well-catered for in terms of support and sales has never been more crucial than when the Christmas period is in full flow. That’s why it’s important for you to make sure that your business communications are in full working order. Your customers and clients need to know when they can expect to speak to someone if needs be.
Even if your office is slowing down, that doesn’t mean that potential sales prospects won’t be phoning. After all, a lot of people use the slower pace of business to look into new products and services. A business phone system allows you and your colleagues to enjoy your Christmas break while keeping in touch with potential sales prospects.
There are several ways that you can ensure your current and potential customers aren’t met with an unanswered phone over Christmas. Take a look at our handy checklist below:
Set up a Christmas divert
If you or your colleagues are happy to take calls over Christmas, then we would recommend setting up a divert so that any calls made to your office number are diverted to an alternate landline or mobile number that you will have access to. If you choose to divert your calls, then even if you are unable to fulfil the caller’s requests, they will still have a positive perception from being able to get through and speak to you. Using a divert also gives you the ability to set yourself up potential sales for the new year by asking the caller to send you an email and letting them know you’ll be able to get back to them when you’re back in the office.
Give your voicemail a touch of Christmas
Just as you need to update your opening hours, your voicemail message will need to be updated too. If a customer (or new enquiry) calls in and is greeted by an out-of-date voicemail it won’t leave the best impression in their mind.
Rather than a boring “our offices are closed” message, why not spice it up by wishing customers well for the Christmas period and thanking them for their custom over the past year, combined with a festive “on-hold” tune. On-hold messaging is a great way to inform and engage with your callers. Are you running a special Christmas offer? Do your customers know who they can contact in an emergency? Could your customers visit your website and resolve the issue there instead? These are all things that can be put into a professional pre-recorded message.
Do you have any seasonal offers you need to promote?
Switch-up your on-hold messaging with your festive deals! Callers are a captive audience so there’s no better time to advertise any offers you may have on during the Christmas period!
Create a Christmas auto attendant
There is arguably nothing more frustrating than phoning a company only to be met with an auto attendant that gives you a variety of options that are not currently relevant as the company is operating on Christmas hours. This is why we recommend changing your auto attendant for the festive season. You can change your auto attendant to state that you’re currently operating a little differently due to the Christmas period. You can then additionally change your auto attendant options. If you have something in place for urgent enquiries but all other calls are to leave a voicemail you can set these options up. For example, you can ask your callers to select 1 for any urgent enquiries, that are then diverted to your emergency support option, and press 2 to leave a voicemail for your team to follow up on in the new year.
Existing Delta 365 customers
If you’re already one of our customers we will be able to help set up any Christmas call diverts, voicemails or auto-attendants for you. To ensure that your business’ diverts, voicemails and auto attendants are ready for Christmas please get in touch with the team before 12th December.
Not a Delta 365 customer?
Having a business phone system setup with professional voicemail, call management, call diverts, and mobile integration means that missed calls don’t mean missed sales opportunities at Christmas and throughout the year.
Want to find out how our VoIP telephony solutions can help you increase your productivity and reduce your costs? Or are you just looking for some friendly, impartial advice on the best tools to make communicating a breeze? We can help! Contact us today on 020 4599 1365, or email info@delta365.co.uk